Sunday 21 August 2011

Make Money Writing

There are quite a number of people including myself that needs that little extra cash. Whether its for assisting in getting rid of the debt thats piled up, buying that something that you just never can save for or even to help save for that much needed vacation.
Whatever the need for that extra bit of cash; its always eluded me as to how one makes money on the internet.
Well almost, I should say, until now that is.


CLICK HERE for a fantastic opportunity

I learnt of this great site called Squidoo.

Its a great place to start earning some extra cash. And the most wonderful thing about Squidoo is that it allows you to earn from writing about stuff you know or like.

Squidoo also shares a percentage of revenue they earn allowing you to slowly build an income.

For other opportunities CLICK HERE

All it requires is that you share information you know about through writing on their site. Once registered, their website is great. They practically guide you in the whole process.
You just read their instructions and follow what is required of you by applying your own knowledge in writing thereby creating a lens (term used by squidoo).

CLICK HERE for another fantastic opportunity

Want your on website. Need a Web Host

If you intend starting your own website then Squidoo is great for you.
Write articles and add links to your own web page. You can add links to affiliate programmes as well.

Just click if you interested in Squidoo: Write for Cash
